التعلم من بيانات العملية لتحسين مستمر

Make your company ready for the future

How should business processes run in your company in an ideal world?

We are constantly receiving feedback that company processes should run as stable and effi-ciently as possible. Particularly for fast-growing companies, messy processes quickly become a major time waster and existential source of errors. More and more digital tools are coming onto the market for recording, tracking and controlling, covering a wide range of use cases. All of them have one major common goal: the digital support of standard and innovation pro-cesses. Due to the current speed of market activities and high demands on reaction speed, activities in the form of projects and with that also project management has become a con-stant companion in the daily business of many companies and more and more resources are tied up in project activities in order to generate the necessary adaptation.

Start by getting the basics right: Process management as an essential basic component

The sources of relevant data from which valuable insights can be generated are manifold. Com-pany-wide process management forms a valuable data stream here. Not every process needs to be described down to the deepest details or even modelled elaborately. However, it is a must to determine the relevant facts (purpose, goals, frequency, effort, etc.) in form of a so-called process profile.

Why should you pay attention to the process management of your organization?

  1. Align your processes consistently with the customer. | Powerful, service-oriented teams, clear focus on results and processes instead of gut feeling.
  2. Identify cost drivers and reduce process costs. | Expose complex and expensive process steps and trim them for efficiency!
  3. Put your (digital) transformation on the fast track! Agility counts! | Process clarity provides concrete pointers for actively shaping the digital transformation.

Having your own process section in the tray, in an Excel file or in your head is not enough to develop strength. A single point of truth for your business processes is essential. For the per-formance and sustainability of your organization, visit –  https://www.scio-effektum.eu/

Scio Effektum process flow chart

Reporting as a success factor for the future

In addition to this important capability of focused process management, learning from pro-cesses and process data has become an important part of the corporate improvement cul-ture. Typically, this can be seen as an evolution. It starts with transactional control of individ-ual processes, which then often transitions into orderly process improvement once sufficient experience with the process flows is available. It is important to understand that the require-ments for digital support in this discipline are analytical rather than transactional in nature. Without the necessary IT support, this step quickly becomes an organizational and technical nightmare. Here, it is particularly a matter of producing essential indications for improve-ments from many data points in an analytical process and thus also visual decision support. Many implementation projects show: an important success factor here is, on the one hand, a higher-level and entrepreneurial view of the data, in a comprehensive data model, and, on the other hand, the right visual representation.
In the area of process improvement, visual representations such as heat maps, traffic light representations, time series representations, or relative result indicators should be chosen.

The products of LeapLytics enable the representation and visualization of data from process management tools especially from scio effektum in such a way that overarching data with a high process efficiency can show potential for improvement. The data model enables the higher-level representation of process-related data in a harmonized model in order to provide
information requirements at different levels, including project manager, sponsor, department manager and portfolio manager. The visualizations offer all necessary graphical representa-tions to provide the user with exactly the decision support he needs.

LeapLytics analytical dashboard (available in QlikSense & PowerBI)

But what does that mean for your company?

The solution powered by Scio and LeapLytics enables you to achieve effective growth through market-related measures as well as internal efficiency improvements of your process organi-zation at the same time. By integrating the control and improvement of your business pro-cesses, they create the optimal alignment to the future demands on your company.

Have we aroused your interest? Let a live demo convince you of the effectiveness.

Scio GmbH

Lukas Meier


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