The missing puzzle piece for your risk management

It’s easy: fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a free four-week trial license.

Trusted By:

"Una herramienta excelente para visualizar y garantizar una visión holística de la cartera de riesgos. La posibilidad de personalizar los colores, los umbrales y la matriz de riesgos es ideal: fácil de configurar y ofrece la oportunidad de utilizar la solución para diferentes niveles de riesgos (empresa, proyecto, programa, etc.). La nueva función de visualizar el cambio en las posiciones de riesgo individuales en el mapa de calor es perfecta para la elaboración de informes, ya que el cambio preciso en la probabilidad o el impacto es claramente comprensible incluso para los no profesionales de la gestión de riesgos, lo que les permite seguir los cambios." Ferrocarril Báltico

Carta del Director General

Our Solution for Professionals

Hola a todos.

Soy Stefan, CEO de LeapLytics.

This is the risk matrix that we have always been looking for ourselves. And now we want to share it with you.

It feels great to have a risk matrix that helps you understand threats and opportunities. Because before, you started seeing risks you didn’t expect from sources you didn’t see. You lost control over understanding your risk landscape. An avalanche of data cluttered everything up.

This is where we can help you. We started developing the Risk Matrix in 2020. Since then, we have added many new features. In doing so, we have focused on the users. The conditional formatting was an idea from an Italian company. The request for a time-based presentation of risks came from a customer in Australia. Our community of customers is what we are proud of. But also what drives us to improve our risk matrix.

A risk matrix should not feel like a burden. Something you fall behind on. Something you clear out, not cherish. Rather than delight in it, you deal with it. Instead, they should be reliable. And informative. They should make it easy for you and your teams to align their actions. To make you thrive.

So good news, the magic’s still there. It’s obscured — buried under a mess of workarounds and dissatisfying solutions. Your dashboard deserves a dust off. A renovation. Modernized for the way we manage risks today. With our Risk Matrix solution, we’ve done that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction of risk management.

A fresh start, the way it should be.

Have a good day,

Cofundador y Consejero Delegado, LeapLytics GmbH

Merece la pena

"Todo lo que queríamos conseguir con una matriz de riesgos, pudimos implementarlo con esta visualización. Merece la pena". - Valoración de Microsoft AppSource Review:

What will I get?

Four-Week Trial License Key

Visual Setup Tutorial

‘How-To’ Guides on YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should I test your visual?

Our LeapLytics Risk Matrix is the only risk matrix capable of rendering each risk as an individual entity. It offers clickable functionality and enables you to see detailed examination through a tooltip. Moreover, it is the solitary visual element in Power BI that empowers users to access in-depth risk information by a simple drill-down on a specific risk.

  • No Subscription: Simply let it expire. No le cobraremos nada.

Funciona exactamente como se esperaba y se anunciaba.

"Compré una licencia para esta aplicación hace casi 9 meses, la instalé en varios informes que utilizan cientos de personas de todo el mundo y sólo he recibido comentarios positivos de los usuarios." - Valoración de Microsoft AppSource Review:

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