OSHA-risicomatrix in Power BI

Workplace safety is of paramount importance for any organization, as it directly affects the well-being of employees and the overall productivity of the business. In this blog post, we will explore how three powerful tools – OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), risk matrix, and Power BI – can work together to create a safer …

ESG-risicomatrix met Microsoft Power BI

A risk matrix is a tool used to assess and evaluate the risks associated with a particular business operation or venture. It allows companies to identify potential risks and take appropriate action to prevent or mitigate those risks. One area where a risk matrix can be particularly beneficial is in supporting environmental, social, and governance …

Learn from process data for continuous improvement

Make your company ready for the future How should business processes run in your company in an ideal world? We are constantly receiving feedback that company processes should run as stable and effi-ciently as possible. Particularly for fast-growing companies, messy processes quickly become a major time waster and existential source of errors. More and more …

Aus Prozessdaten lernen und kontinuierlich besser werden

Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen fit für die Zukunft Wie sollen Geschäftsprozesse eigentlich in Ihrem Unternehmen im Idealfall laufen? Wir bekommen immer wieder das Feedback, dass Unternehmensprozesse möglichst stabil und effizient laufen sollen. Insbesondere für schnell wachsende Unternehmen, werden unsaubere Prozesse schnell zu einem großen Zeitfresser und existenzieller Fehlerquelle. Für die Erfassung, das Tracking und die …
